Friday, August 31, 2007

Reminders and reverberations

Everyone here is so ready for Hungarian class to be over and to start what we came here for: MATH. The language course isn't particularly well organized, so classes leave us feeling frustrated, antsy and annoyed that Hungarian has more suffixes than PDX has coffee shops. Today we had a scavenger hunt, with the questions written by another one of the 4 classes. (The A group wrote questions for the B group, the B group wrote questions for the C group etc). The questions were supposed to be tricky, but not impossible, and all the answers were to be found on the city block that the language school is on. The question I had to answer was supposed to go something like "What model is the 23,830,013th numbered shoe in the store with the yellow-orange butterfly?" but was worded "What model is the 23,830,013th numbered shoe in the orange yellow butterfly store?" Which tripped me up because in Hungarian, the word for butterfly is the same word as prostitute, so I kept looking at the escort agency around the corner. I found the answer to my question right before the time was up, and my group still came in last. Somorú! (Sad)

Luckily there are only 3 days left of the language school, then it's geek-out time! Not like everyone in the program hasn't been geeking out already... Mihály and Voula spent their free time today working on a proof, Bruce studies for the GRE every day, and I have seen more geeky math t-shirts here than you could shake a protractor at. My favorite? One that made fun of the old Antidrug commercials from the early 00s that says Integrals: My Antiderivative. The close second is the one with an i crossed out that says "Keepin' It Real"

I finally got paid for my last month of work today, which means that tomorrow I can venture to my first Hungarian mall and find the Vodafone store that Misi (pronounced Mee-shee, one of the Michaels on our program) told me about. He said that he got a SIM card there for just over 1500 ft, which means it was about 8 dollars. I've heard them going for as much 4000 ft, so I'm hoping this place is as cheap as Misi said. Tonight I'm treating myself to sort of expensive (still less than $10, I'm sure) Indian food at a restaurant called Kama Sutra that one of Voula's friends recommended to her. But you know what? Whatever, it's payday!

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