Thursday, August 16, 2007

In Transit

I am currently sitting in the München airport using ridiculously overpriced wireless. Seriously, I paid €8 for an hour of wireless. Just enough to check my e-mail, call Mom, Dad and Rob with Skype, and update this sucker.

The last couple of days have been a whirlwind. I moved out of my house on Saturday, spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Corvallis, packing and taking of errands and doctor's appointments, spent last night in Vancouver at Rob's, and left early this morning. Saying goodbye to Mom and Rob in the airport was long and tearful; it still hasn't sunk in that I'm not really going to see anyone I know for the next 4 months.

I've been vegetarian since mid-April. I know that being a vegetarian in Eastern Europe is virtually impossible, so I've resolved myself to the fact that I will not be a vegetarian during my stay in Budapest. Still, until finding vegetarian options is absolutely impossible, I will continue to avoid all things meaty. Luckily there are enough international travelers on Lufthansa that there seem to always be non-meat dishes available. But who would have thought it would be harder to eat veggie in the Denver airport than cruising at 3000 ft?

My flight leaves München at 11:05 AM local time (it's currently 9:36). I arrive in Budapest at 12:20 PM (same time zone) and that is when this whole experience really starts.Link

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