Friday, August 10, 2007

6 days - Goodbye Portland!

I leave in 6 days. I'm still not packed (a job for tonight and tomorrow), I still haven't quit my job (tomorrow), and it still hasn't fully sunken in that I'm going to be in another country for four months starting a week from yesterday.

Last night was sort of my "farewell to Portland" outing. Rob, Devon, Devon's boyfriend Matt and I went downtown for cheap night at Sushi Takahashi. Devon and I filled ourselves with cheap cheap sushi, the boys got noodles, and we wrote messages on the unopened chopsticks in the cup at the table. After dinner we walked to Powell's, where I bought my host family a photo book of Portland and myself a book for the plane. After Powell's we walked to VooDoo Donuts. We ate our Donuts standing on the street outside. I hadn't even planned on hitting all three of my favorite downtown PDX locations, so it was a happy surprise that I found myself full of sushi and donuts on the sidewalk on 3rd street, just south of Burnside.

The last two important places to hit before I leave are Burgerville and American Dream, which can be done once I get to Corvallis. (Well... Burgerville will take a drive to Albany, but it's definitely worth it).

I've given up on seeing everyone I want to see before I leave. There's too many people and not enough time and August seriously snuck up on me. So if I said I'd see you before I leave and I don't... I'm sorry! I wish I could have!

So tomorrow (Friday) is my last day at my job at the IT helpdesk (until Spring semester, that is) and Saturday I move out of my house and temporarily back to Corvallis. Rob's in California from today until Sunday night, so he'll join me in Corvallis Monday morning. On Tuesday evening, he, Mom and I will drive back up to Vancouver where we'll spend the night at his house and drive to the airport in the morning.

Yes, this is really happening!

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